Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Active Directory Health Check

Echo Performing Active Directory Health Check

IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\Support Tools\" GOTO COPY_SUP_TOOLS

Echo Running NetDiag Tool..............
netdiag /v /l

Echo Running DCDiag Tool...............
REM dcdiag /e /c /v /f:dcdiag.log

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......Displays a list of failed replication events detected by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC).
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /failcache > failcache.txt"

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......Returns the server name of the ISTG server for a specified site.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /istg > istg.txt"

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......Displays the amount of time between replications using the ISTG Keep Alive timestamp.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /latency > latency.txt"

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......Displays tasks waiting in the replication queue.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /queue > queue.txt"

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......Displays the connection objects for a specified domain controller. Default is local site.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /showconn > showconn.txt"

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......Displays the replication partners for each directory partition on the specified domain controller. Helps the administrator build a visual representation of the replication topology and see the role of each domain controller in the replication process
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /showrepl > showrepl.txt"

Echo Running RepAdmin Tool.......The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\repadmin /replsummary > replsummary.txt"

Echo Running GPOTool check the consistency of Group Policy objects on Domain Controllers.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\gpotool / /checkacl /verbose > gpotool.txt"

Echo Running DNSLint Tool.......DNSLint is a Microsoft Windows utility that helps diagnose common DNS name resolution issues.
"c:\Program Files\Support Tools\dnslint /ad /s /v"

Echo Running Windows Time Service Tool.......used to diagnose problems with Windows Time Service.
"c:\windows\system32\w32tm /monitor > w32tm.txt"


MD "C:\Program Files\Support Tools\"
COPY "\\DomainController\NETLOGON\Support Tools" "C:\Program Files\Support Tools"

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